Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Moving Along Swimmingly....

Things are moving along swimmingly. Yesterday and this morning, I created the structure for my image voting screen. Each screen will give a choice of four images from which my viewers can choose one as the best to be printed. There will be a total of 36 images from which to choose, as I plan to print nine images with the following characteristics:

3 prints with text in Englyph that addresses the color BLUE, one with a blue background, one with a white background and one with a black background,

3 prints with Englyph text that addresses the color RED, one with a red background, one with a white background and one with a black background,

and 3 prints with Englyph text that addresses the color YELLOW, one with a yellow background, one with a white background and one with a black background.

The viewer will be able to examine the images close up, using a Flash-based zoom feature.


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